Post by JimPost by M_OPost by JimHello,
Giganews supplies my ISP newsgroup access and I would like to know if
Giganews has a crosspost limit? If so then what is the maximum number
of groups that I may crosspost to? Thanks.
wrong group
post message to giganews.general
I would have but it's not available. :(
The FAQ is available at the Giganews website:
A few binary newsgroups, such as certain music groups, encourage posting to
more than one group at the same time, as long as the content is appropriate
to each newsgroup. The majority of binary groups and almost all text groups,
however, discourage any form of crossposting. Please consider that a thread
in a text group may begin as appropriate to two newsgroups, but followups
may soon become "off topic" in one of the groups."
As you can see, as is the case in most every news server in existence (other
than Altopia that is), the Giganews AUP is written intentionally vague and
contradictory. One would think one could clean such a simple thing as
allowable number of crossposts but NOOOOOOOO! Note the farce statement "as
long as the content is appropriate to each newsgroup." Ask yourself who
decides that? The abuse dept. of Giganews, of course. They hire idiots who
know nothing and will be the ones deciding what is appropriate and what is
not without having ever posted or read the groups in question until they
received a complaint from some wankstained netKKKop or netnanny. The lie
about "almost all text groups, however, discourage any form of crossposting"
is an outright lie.
So, to be safe, you must limit your crossposting to only two groups. Even
then you must anguish about how some clueless, nOOb, abuse clerk who earns
maybe 6 bucks an hour views appropriate.
Are you stupid enough to pay good money for that? Not me, man.
Gregory Hall